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Innovation Day AI x Innovation 物聯創新 進化AI

What is AI X Innovation?

The theme of this AI Innovation Forum is AI X Innovation, centering on the 4I-topics: "Trend Innovation", "Technology Innovation", "Application Innovation", and "Business Innovation". Domestic experts will be invited to gather and share the latest technological trends and cases from the global industry as we take a glimpse into the development of smart applications!

The 4I-Topics and nine lectures in AIoT Plus X Innovation

Product and Trend Innovation

The innovation led by leapfrogging product novelty will open up infinite possibilities for AIoT.

Technology Innovation

We are constantly driving technological innovation and integration, pushing forward the AIoT limit..

Application Innovation

Innovation of edge devices have sprung up AIoT. You will get our brilliant case and in-depth analysis of from different markets.

Business Innovation

Cooperating with the ecosystem and creating an additional value chain from edge to the cloud and Pioneering in the innovative AIoT.

Learn from Our
AIoT Experts

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James Shih

Sr. Director of Platform Application, IoTG


Alex Lin

General Manager

Millitronic Corporation

Johnny Wu

Director of Intelligent Peripherals Appliance

Innodisk Corporation

YunYang Chang

Deputy Technical Division Director, IoT BU


Franz Wei


Antzer Tech

Linch Lin

General Manager

SysInno Corporation

Tom Lin

Senior Sales Director


Joe Lo

General Manager

Aetina Corporation

Joe Lin

Asia Tech Lead Microsoft IoT Solutions

Microsoft IoT Solutions