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Gas Sensing Opportunities

Webinar Info

1. Gas sensing applications are hidden in various environments, and can be seen in living room, working spaces, industry and agriculture scenario, and even urban governance.
2. Sensing data is used as the basis for HVAC equipment linkage and decision-making, do you know whether the sensing data is accurate and reliable?
3. The precise sensing advantages of the Sysinno, from the design and algorithm, to the quality control of production calibration, to provide the reliable sensing values.
4. Combined with image, noise, weather and other sensing data, provide AI analysis and decision-making comprehensively.

Speaker Info

Linch Lin


Sysinno Technology Inc.

National Taiwan University, Mechanical Engineering, Master
Industrial Technology Research Institute, Associate Researcher
Hon Hai Precision, Senior Manager

Webinar Provider

The Sysinno Technology Inc. was established in August 2012, mainly concentrate on providing various types of sensor-related product design, application and services. The team members have more than 20 years of experience, think the mini sensor technology will bring a great change in human daily life in the future. So we combine many kinds of miniature sensing elements, including physical, chemical, biological sensing factors, and introduce the appropriate mathematical algorithms to develop the smart, intelligent sensing products. Hoping to help people to achieve a intelligent, high-quality living environment.

In November 2019, Sysinno joined Innodisk Group, a global leader of industrial storage field, and became a subsidiary responsible for the environmental data collection of AIoT ecosystem.